When we were at Heathrow Airport in London, we bought a British travel guide to Tunisia with maps and a list of Tunisia’s “Top Ten Sights”. As soon as Bill saw that Dougga was number one, he knew we were going there! I found out much later but when I got there I was very happy that we went.

The high plains of northwest Tunisia were the granary of ancient Rome.

We also found the recycling big-eared dog statues, a British Commonwealth military cemetery and flocks of sheep and goats.

Dougga is one of the most magnificent Roman monuments in Africa and includes a Roman Theater that was hosting an International Festival,

the Capitol that enclosed the temple’s inner sanctum,

a mosque and…

the horseshoe-shaped Roman community toilet in the Cyclops Baths where Roman men sat and socialized with their fellow countrymen! The baths themselves are in disrepair. You can hear the buzzing of summer insects in the background.

Bill and I walked around the ruins. Everywhere men were preparing for the International Festival.

Back on the road we found fields of sunflowers, more “houses” of hay–and some nesting storks!

Now we were on our way to Bizerte, the last stop on our trip to Tunisia.

Republik Tunisia (bahasa Arab: الجمهرية التونسية) adalah sebuah negara Arab Muslim di Afrika Utara, tepatnya di pesisir Laut Tengah. Tunisia berbatasan dengan Aljazair di sebelah barat, dan Libya di selatan dan timur. Di antara negara-negara yang terletak di rangkaian Pegunungan Atlas, wilayah Tunisia termasuk yang paling timur dan terkecil. 40% wilayah Tunisia berupa padang pasir Sahara, sisanya tanah subur.

al-Jamhuriyyah at-Tunisiyyah
Lagu kebangsaan: Himat Al Hima
Ibu kota (dan kota terbesar) Tunis
Bahasa resmi Arab
Pemerintahan Republik
- Presiden Zine El Abidine Ben Ali
- Perdana Menteri Mohamed Ghannouchi
- - Dari Perancis 20 Maret 1956
- Total 163,610 km2 (89)
- Air (%) 0,05%
- Perkiraan 2005 10.074.951 (81)
- Sensus - -
- Kepadatan 61/km2 (108)
PDB (KKB) Perkiraan 2005
- Total US$77,37 miliar (62)
- Per kapita US$7.732 (74)
Mata uang Dinar (TND)
Zona waktu (UTC+1)
- Musim panas (DST) (UTC+1)
Domain internet .tn
Kode telepon 216

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